Image quality makes all the difference

A limitless platform for now and the future
An elegantly practical design

Taking CT to the next power
A futuristic take on classic image reconstruction
With great power comes great image quality

A CT that keeps getting better
Elevate every image to a powerful first impression
“Excellent CNR, lesion delineation, with improved texture and no plastic appearance in the image.”
“Reduced noise in deep learning cardiac imaging allows for reduction in kVp while maintaining image quality.”
Runoff at 80 kV for enhanced vessel visualization.
Non-contrast chest CT with clear depiction of lung collapse with fibrosis and infection.
“This is what a head CT image should look like and never did, even in the high dose era. Less noise, fewer artifacts and a pleasure to interpret.”
CTA Chest Aortic stenosis at 70 kV and 13 mL of contrast for a 3 year old.

The best image quality for every patient
1-beat cardiac. At any heart rate.
CT TAVI Planning. Even for patients with renal insufficiency.
Uncompromised image quality. Even for over-obese patients.
Low-dose chest CT. Within one second.
Metal artifact reduction. Both in single energy and dual energy.
Ultra-low dose screening. Without compromising on detail.